The prospect of having a home is every individual’s desire and dream. An individual spends his entire savings only for this reason. But with the entire savings purchasing a home is not possible. It may look easy for the one who are affluent but for some other individual, arranging the necessary finance is a daunting task. With the upward tilt in the prices of real estate, it becomes even more difficult. Now, to assist borrowers in buying their prospective homes, lenders and banking institutions are providing New Home loans.
New home loans have got popularized within a short span of time. At present it is the most sought after loan by borrowers who are in the process of buying a new home. . The loan is worthy of its name. It is estimated that transaction worth billions of pounds has taken place from banking and financial institutions and the numbers are increasing by the day. New home loans are of two types. They are –
• Fixed rate new home loan
• Variable rate new home loan.
Fixed rate new home loan: The rates of interest are fixed in the case of fixed rate new home loans. If you avail the loan, the rate of interest will be kept same for the whole repayment period. Even if the interest rate goes up, you have the benefit to pay the same interest rate.
Variable rate new home loan: In the case of variable rate new home loan, the interest rate you get is initially lower. Depending on the fluctuations on the market, if the interest rate increases, you have to pay the new interest rate.
New home loan is designed such that you get the loan at affordable rates of interest. The growing popularity of the loan has compelled the lenders to provide new home loans through online. The online mode helps the borrower to access the loan in a fast paced manner. By just clicking a few buttons and sitting in your home or office, you can access the loan.
New home loans beckon a ray of hope for borrowers who cannot afford to buy a home on their means.
credit by : Meghna Arora