Home Loan Loan Refinance: Should You Use The Same Mortgage Company?

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A refinance provides the mortgagor the opportunity to switch to a lower interest rate or transfer his mortgage to another lending company. Transferring your home loan loan refinance is an option when the interest rates are eating up your budget or when the company is not servicing your loan the way you want it. But there are other considerations when thinking of a refinance.

Avoid Monster Companies

If you have been diligent with your monthly mortgage payment for years and the company has provided you the service it promised to deliver, there shouldn't be other reason to transfer your mortgage to another company. Lower interest rates might propel you to make a switch and if the company cannot give you a lower interest rate, getting a home loan loan refinance from another company is advised.

If your present mortgage company can provide you a lower interest rate, well and good. The process will be faster this time because the company knows your track record. It is also likely that the company will grant your request because it values your business. But if the lender cannot give you a lower interest rate, shop for another company that may be able to have a home loan loan refinance program tailor-fitted to your needs.

However, looking for a home loan loan refinance is not easy. With several mortgage companies out there, be sure you're getting one that is bound by good business ethics and not one of those monster companies that delay your application for some blurry reason purportedly to review and process your paper.

Don't be impressed with glossy advertisements of smiling men and women promising you fast and dependable service. Do your research well before doing any business with them. This is especially true when you're dealing with a company out of state. Check out the company's track record with the Better Business Bureau. If the company is littered with complaints, set your sights elsewhere.

Ask Before You Leap

Before you give any commitment, ask the companies if they charge for early loan payment and if they can give you a three-day period for rescission. Most people are not aware that they can back out of a home loan loan refinance when their gut tells them they are not getting the refinance they want.

The loan agent must tell you about this, but usually they don't. During the three-day period, you have time to review your mortgage documents after closing. You have until midnight of the third day to make up your mind. Fax them your cancellation and address this to the broker, lender, and the company. Follow this up with telephone calls just to be sure they know your decision and are informed of the faxed cancellation.

Knowing your right to a rescission takes off the pressure from the bullying tactics of monster companies. To protect your right to a rescission, do not allow the agent or the broker to force you to falsify your information. This will work against you and you'll find yourself trapped to a home loan loan refinance you will be unhappy with for years.

Be Informed

All prospective homeowners and those with mortgages should not shelve the opportunity to learn about the mechanics and processes of the mortgage transactions. Being well-informed arms you to deal effectively with loan agents and help you protect your rights as a consumer.

Getting another mortgage company then is not always about getting a lower interest rate for your home loan loan refinance. It's also about protecting yourself against the unscrupulous practices and bullying tactics of mortgage companies.

By : Rony Walker